Phew, there was a lot in that speech. According to BBC News, here are some of the key announcements
On energy:
- Government subsidies limiting typical household energy bills to £2,500 a year will be extended for three months, until the end of June
- Energy charges for prepayment meters will be brought into line with prices for customers paying by direct debit
On childcare:
- Hunt announced 30 hours of free weekly childcare for working parents is being extended to cover children below the age of three - and will eventually cover all children from the age of nine months
On pensions:
- The cap on the amount workers can accumulate in pensions savings over their lifetime before having to pay extra tax - currently £1.07m - will be abolished
- The tax-free yearly allowance for pension pots is to rise from £40,000 to £60,000 - having been frozen for nine years
On taxes
- The 5p cut to fuel duty on petrol and diesel, due to end in April, is to be kept for another year
- From August, alcohol taxes in pubs to be 11p in the pound lower than the rate in supermarkets
On disability:
- Work Capability Assessment abolished and funding for up to 50,000 places on a new voluntary employment scheme for disabled people, called Universal Support
On businesses
- The main rate of corporation tax, paid by businesses on taxable profits over £250,000, confirmed to increase from 19% to 25%
- Companies able to deduct investment in new machinery and technology to lower their taxable profits
- Tax breaks and other benefits for 12 new Investment Zones across the UK, funded by £80m each over the next five years
On defence:
- Commitment to raise defence spending by £11bn over the next five years