The shop is currently rented until October 2023 to a local charity shop. The shop is a generous size with bay frontage that makes it light and airy.
The stock room is down 2 steps and has a rear door to the garden although they only have right away over it if there is a fire.
The kitchen is fitted out with wall and base units with a worktop over and double stainless steel sink inset.
White wc and wash hand basin
Communal entrance for the flats via a door to the left side of the shop which gives access to the flats on the first floor and second floor. Also from the ground floor there is a back door giving access to the rear garden area.
Flat 1 is located on the first floor which is rented out at £650pcm to a long standing tenant.
The living room benefits from a bay window and feature fireplace.
A great room which easily fits a dining table in. Offering ample wall and base units with worktops over, fitted sink unit. Space for washing machine, freestanding cooker and fridge/ freezer.
Benefits from a bay window and fireplace
This room is accessed from the kitchen, step down 4 steps to a room with the shower cubicle and a wash hand basin in it, toilet is behind another door. There is a small storage cupboard also.
Accessed from the second floor and occupies the third floor also. Currently rented out at £850pcm to a long standing tenant.
The living room is accessed by an internal staircase to the third floor, the living room takes up the whole of this floor and features 2 Velux windows.
Offering ample wall and base units with worktops over, fitted sink unit. Space for washing machine, freestanding cooker and fridge/ freezer.
Light and airy room with feature bay window and fireplace.
Light and airy room with feature bay window and fireplace.
Shower cubicle, low level wc and wash hand basin.
The rear garden is accessed via the rear door on the ground floor and is for the use of both flats only. There is a gate at the back which leads to a lane giving access to Melbury Road.
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