Accessed from St Thomas Street
1 cubicle and 2 urinals, 1 wash hand basin
3 x cubical and 3x wash hand basins
Stairs accessed for the side of the bar and give access to the Cellar, Stock Room and office.
Hatch is accessed from St Alban Street.
Office space with safe and CCTV
Stairs rise to the Upper Bar on the first Floor level
This kitchen is not currently used but fully kitted out with appliances.
Stairs lead up from the Upper bar and give access to the 1 bedroom flat on the second floor.
Living room with storage cupboard, the kitchen is also accessed off the living room.
Off the bedroom is a shower room with shower cubicle, low level wc and wash hand basin.
Kitchen benefits from wall and base units with worktops over. Space for appliances and chrome sink.
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